Destination Promotion: A Catalyst for Community Vitality

New research shows how promoting your destination is a game-changer, not just for tourism, but for your entire community.

In partnership with Destinations International, MMGY NextFactor, Clarity of Place and Longwoods International, the Destination Promotion: A Catalyst for Community Vitality study reveals how investing in destination promotion acts as a catalyst for broader economic development, improved quality of life, and a stronger sense of place. 

In-depth case studies from ten North American destinations serve as tangible examples of the dividends destination promotion produces. These gains extend far beyond the benefits experienced by visitor-related industries and their suppliers, and rather, have proven to positively influence the quality of life and overall well-being of entire communities.

The report finds that a sound destination brand can be leveraged across the economic development spectrum—positioning destination marketing organizations as north stars for attracting talent, supporting general government services and growing the whole economy of a community. 

Key discoveries from the study include:

  • Measurable benefits from destination marketing: Increased visitor spending translates to significant economic benefits, including job creation, tax revenue generation and support for local businesses.
  • Impact extends beyond visitor-related industries: Visitor spending has a ripple effect, positively impacting industries beyond hospitality and leisure, such as finance, insurance and real estate.
  • Enhanced resident quality of life: Tourism development supports a broader range of amenities and cultural offerings, enriching the lives of residents and attracting new talent.
  • Destination brand as an economic driver: Effective destination marketing not only attracts visitors but also strengthens the community's overall image, fostering economic growth and attracting talent.

This report is designed for those invested in the well-being of their community, including: 

  • Destination organizations
  • Community leaders and policymakers
  • Businesses and residents
  • Researchers and students
  • Media

Access the Executive Summary >

View the Guide to Using the Catalyst Report >